December 8, 2011

RADvent: Day 6 - Starting.

Start simply. Feel the fear, invite it in, and start anyway. If you have to begin again, it doesn’t mean you failed. Starting over builds momentum for the big finish!

I love starting projects. I do it regularly... It's just a toss up if I finish or not. Now, the bigger stuff, I don't enjoy starting so much.

There are so many things I want to start, though. A mixture of fear, failure, logic and lack of time stops me. I want to start my own photography business. I want to take classes. I want to be a writer.

Yet, I can't seem to find the courage, time or ways to let go of my reasoning as to why it can't work.

And an example - I want to be a better writer... Yet, I started this blog over a year ago and didn't update again until my friend told me of RADvent. Clearly, another project started and left untouched for over a year.

So, I began by making a list of steps to having my own photography business in my notebook. More than what I have now, anyway. Yet, all steps wound up marked out because they all cost money.

Back to the drawing board... Think simple. Think possible. I'm not saying the other 3 are impossible... Not at all. Just not now.

So, now, a building block to being a better writer. I've already began. RADvent inspired me to revive my blog and once RADvent ends, I plan to continue on with it. If it be a post once a day, three times a week or just once a week. I want to keep it alive. I want to write again.

Starting is the hardest part... and I've already started. Now, to just keep it up.

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