Are you fascinating?
This topic, I’ve tossed and turned and rolled around in my head. Me? Fascinating? No way… And of course, I feel conceited if I go about tooting my own horn or some such. But, I’m going to give this a shot.
I am not typical. I’m not your average 23 year old at all. I’m into simplicity. I don’t have to have the newest piece of technology to be happy or content. I may not be up to date in some elements, yet, that isn’t me. I’m so much more than the newest iPhone or Coach bag. I don’t need things to make me who I am. Things fade away.
Yet who I am and the people I choose to surround myself with? That doesn’t fade away. And yes, even some people come and go… But knowing who I am, what is important to me, and who I want to be? That doesn’t. And then, I have some amazing friends who I know will always be there, too.
Once upon a time, I was much more materialistic. But I quickly learned that all of that can fall away in the blink of an eye. You learn to be thankful for the simplest of luxuries and in the process, though things have improved greatly, I never wish to live such a wasteful, materialistic and expensive lifestyle again.
I suppose others find it fascinating that I lean towards gardening, tending chickens and other random beasts, etc… than being into all the newest mainstream ideas, technology and fashion. I am me. I am not defined by things. I am only defined by my actions, my words and who I strive to be.
Write a list of interview questions you would love to be asked…
Fine, I cheated a little. I did come up with a couple on my own. But the others are product of my friends and mom. They did not fail me. Their questions made me think… And that’s exactly what I was hoping for.
If you look at your photography, what about it is uniquely you? ~ K.
It somewhat depends upon the picture… I suppose the fact that I try to look for what others may miss. I see the little zig zags in toadstools. I see the tiny spider lurking beneath the petals of a zinnia. I try to see what others may miss. In everything. From people to nature, I look for what is being looked over. Not just in photography, but in day to day life.
Are you where you thought you would be 5 years ago?
Not at all… Far from it, actually. Most of my friends are where I thought I’d be in terms of their lives with husbands and babies. But in all honesty, I’ve came to the conclusion that I am exactly where I’m supposed to be. Sure, I have my moments of wishing things had went a little differently for me. But I question who I’d be now if they had. If I hadn’t had the experiences and time to figure myself out before someone else came into the picture. I’m well aware of who I am. Without these 4 years on my own, I’m not so sure I would.
Where would you like to see yourself 5 years from now? ~ K.
More settled and “together” in many aspects. I’m still unsure of marriage, but I’d like to be settled with someone in a secure, loving, kind and respectful relationship. If I stuck with my original goal, a kid or two would be great. I’d love to have my own photography business as well.
What are your five most precious material items? ~ E.
1. My camera.
2. My pictures, old and new;
3. My necklace given to me by my grandma when I was just six years old;
4. My computer. As silly as it is, it keeps me connected to many people I love.
5. My journals/notebooks I jot random thoughts and ideas in.
If you could live somewhere else, where would it be and why? ~ M.
I’ve always loved the idea of living in Australia. Yet, most recently, I have a great fascination and curiosity for Montana. From the mountains that are so different from the mountains surrounding me. To the artsy and eclectic feel of Missoula and the wide open spaces of the country and back of nowhere places. The skiing towns. Even if I can’t ski. It’s very different from my home state in several ways that make it just intriguing enough for me to wish to at least visit someday.
What's the one thing you've always wanted to do but never have? ~ S.
I’d like to visit all of my long distance friends. I want to see their worlds. Their homes and who they are in their element. Explore their towns and visit these places they tell me about. Hopefully, I can eventually.
How do you keep yourself interesting?
Exploring, trying new things, reading and always searching for new ideas and answers about any and everything. Befriending new people who may have differing ideas and thoughts to my own. I expose myself to new ideas and beliefs as often as possible.
I’ll try anything once. As long as it is somewhat in the realm of legality and safety, I’m up for it. There is always great joy (and sometimes, a smidgen of healthy fear!) in that of trying something new, stretching myself a little farther than I think is possible and exploring the world around me.
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