Balance isn’t exactly a word that fits in my world. Yet, it is something I’m trying very hard to incorporate into my world. A balance between myself, family, friends and my creatures. That happy medium. There are days I feel like I don’t do such a great job of it and as things shift and change in my world, I wonder how I’ll handle adding more to that balancing act… Because most days, I don’t do it all. Things fall to the wayside. I could spend more time with this person or play with my dogs more.
And those days that I do? Oh, lists are involved. And those lists even have the simplest things written down. And typically, I do finish everything on the lists because I get some sort of strange pleasure out of crossing off completed tasks… But, perhaps I should learn to balance everything without a list…
What do you like to do?
~ Photography. Not the posed, planned sessions. I love capturing life as it happens. Spotting those things that go unnoticed. From a patch of moss to spit bubbles on a baby’s lip. Capturing life as is.
~ Writing. If it be in my notebook by my bed, a document on the computer or an email to a friend. Just letting my words flow as they come to me. It’s my therapy and looking back at it later can be pretty interesting seeing who, what and where I was at certain points in my life.
~ Cooking. Trying new recipes. Yet, my favorite is baking and cooking for others. I express love through food. Perhaps it’s my Southern roots. Perhaps it is the love I felt when my mom made amazing Birthday cakes for me as a child. I’m not sure… But, it is always an expression of love, gratitude, friendship. Food is love. If I bake for you, I truly care about you. Really, really.
~ Hikes into the woods. This is where I find peace, calmness and center myself. It is my “ahhhh…” moment when things seem upside down or I just need to take a step back from it all.
~ Crafting. If it be a random fall garland for my dining windows or crocheting a blanket. I like making things with my hands. I always have.
~ Gardening. Growing food brings me great joy and accomplishment.
Who I am… My true self.
~I am passionate. If I am interested in something, I throw my whole self into it. To a fault.
~I don’t like telling people “no”… Even if I truly do not want to do something, I will do it just so I don’t have to tell them “no” so I’ve became the “yes girl” in many elements.
~I can easily get peopled out. I love being around friends and family… I love socializing. Yet, I still crave my space. If it be spacing out with a mindless tv show or reading. I just need that time on my own.
~On the flipside, I’m really affectionate, verbally and physically, towards those I am most comfortable with. If I love you, you know it. I always want that to be known.
~I’m full of fire, spunk and sarcasm if I know you well. If you’re new in my world and I’m “feeling” you out, I portray myself quite differently. Quiet, shy and not overly chatty.
~I’ve always wished to “save the world”. If it be stray animals or people with issues. I’m like moth to a flame. Yet, I have discovered in the last year that I can help, yes. But in moderation. Not to the point of losing myself or getting into situations I cannot easily get out of.
~I have an inner adventurer begging to come out… I’m just not there yet. And while I want to see more than the southeast, I’ll always want to come home. I’m very much a homebody. And by adventurer, I mean a trip to a state NOT in the southeast once a year. Not, you know, always on the go… Home is where my heart is.
What are the 3 most important things to do today?
My day is over… But, babysitting sweet baby J was high on that list. Taking back the dishes I borrowed for the first Thanksgiving at my house as it has been over a week. Finishing a library book that is due to be returned. All 3 are now completed. Earth changing tasks, let me tell you!
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