It has been a week filled with rain… rainy evenings, mostly. But those mornings I wake to rain pitter-pattering on the windows are so cozy. It makes it not so easy to remove myself from the cocoon that is my bed, Oscar’s purring body plastered against my stomach and dogs lying haphazardly across my feet.
Watching my ducks and Lucy Goose play in the rain. Oh, how I wish I could have had my camera with me. Lucy had never played in the rain before. The ducks splish splashed in puddles and Lucy just ran about, wings spread like an eagle, and danced.
When the rain subsided, she came running to me. I kneeled in front of her, clothes soaked and curls of wet hair sticking to my face. I asked if she liked her first rain experience. She chattered, honked, bobbed her head and bounced on her feet as if trying to tell me just how much she enjoyed it.
The bath after getting soaked, muddy and gross while out with the ducks and Lucy. A hot bath seems ten times more satisfying if you’ve came inside, muddy and dirty.
Picking my girl up from her second day of school and realizing she’s not a baby anymore. As she came out among the other kids, I barely recognized that tall girl with the backpack that is no longer bigger than her as my B.
Silly bandz on little wrists with chipped fingernail polish.
Asking if I’d hold her when she was so tired, she could barely hold her eyes open. Her legs hanging off my lap and her head on my shoulder, I realized I needed that as much as she did.
Fairy dust on flowers. Amazing how happy purple glitter can make a little girl.
Finally getting my hair cut professionally after 2 years. I love it. Pictures to come, later. But it’s what I wanted; fun, spunky, easy to deal with. And to make the deal even sweeter, I had enough to donate to Locks of Love.
Catching up with people I hadn’t seen in years. We talked far longer than I realized at the time… But it was refreshing and exactly what I needed.
The old man in the overalls, crisp white shirt and red bandana hanging from his back pocket. He was like a flash back of yester-year. He smiled when I told him I liked his overalls.
And with all of this rain we've had, it's not surprising to see villages of mushrooms and other fungi popping up everywhere. Of course, child of the late 80's here, thinks Smurfs when I see these.
Seeing 3 does and a young buck near my house. All at once. The does ran away quickly but the buck stuck around for a bit to see what exactly I was before running away, too.
Mimi’s chili… it is the best stuff, ever.
Especially when followed with homemade peach ice cream. I possibly ate far more of this than I should have. Ben and Jerry’s got nothing on my Mom’s peach ice cream.
The sunset at my step-dad’s house… The mist over the mountains from yet another evening storm. A perfect ending to a perfect week.
And that’s only a drop in the bucket of happy bits…
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