I realized it wasn’t making me happy anymore; it was quite the opposite. I’m not deep into technology these days, anyway. I don’t own a cell phone and I haven’t charged my cordless phone in days. I don’t mind answering my old school phone and chilling in one place as the phone calls typically don’t last over 10-15 minutes. I typically listen to the radio, not my iPod… and God knows I don’t have time for video games.
The lack of chatting won’t last forever… but I’ve found it refreshing. I do doubt it will ever go back to the hours sort of thing. It isn’t a dis to my friends, either. But I’ve enjoyed spending time with me. Just, me, the dogs and cats and whatever I choose to do in that time I typically vegged in front of a screen, tv or computer. If it be painting the whole dining room (which looks amazing, might I add) or reading a book, I’ve been doing it…
And I’m milking autumn for all it’s worth. Soaking up every moment I can of this glow that strictly belongs to autumn. I love something about all of the other seasons, but I think autumn wins out with her mellowness. I can’t get enough of these golden sunsets and that light cast upon everything that is just so very… October.
Everything has a magical glow, even the weeds.
The colors are just bursting with happiness… yellows, oranges, reds and greens. A pallet that screams autumn. From the little gourds to the leaves that are slowly turning to golden and orange hues.
I’m kind of having a romance with it all. Even the hickory nuts that trip me up.
My sweet ducklings are no longer ducklings… Out of nowhere, they just suddenly decided they were grown ups, too. Waddled into the big hen house one night and that was that.
But they still look like babies… Especially Ally.
The new evening ritual that takes place with the ducks and Lucy goose makes me laugh... They waddle to my grandparents house and sit by their pond or gate, Lucy occasionally honking to announce their arrival. Not long after, my grandpa will come out and give them a cup of corn. But it doesn't end there. They wait until my grandmother comes out... because she has the better treats. Typically, bread or produce scraps. They all honk, quack and squeak when they see her coming because they know the goodies are coming... I love it.
Even the ducklings and a few chickens have joined into the evening treat fest.
It's all good... even the morning glories taking over my garden. They need a place to bloom, too. With their swirly candy looking blooms that die far too quickly.
Soon, the flowers will all be gone from frost. So I say bloom wherever you can as long as you can, baby. Bring on the color before the brown of winter sets in.
My grandmother's yard is nothing but a blanket of color... Her impatiens have been amazing this year.
So, technology break or not, I won't go so long without updating again. There is really too much to pack into this space due to my break.
And there's much fun and good coming up.